About me
My name is Istvan Rozsahegyi. I graduated in 1993 at the Physiotherapy campus of Orvostovabbkepzo University in Budapest. Immediately after graduating I travelled to the UK and did voluntary work for the Leonard Cheshire Foundation and learned English.
On my return to Hungary I was employed by the Cholnoky Ferenc County Hospital until I was invited to set up Physiotherapy at Zirc Town Hospital (directed by Dr Attila Benke ). Shortly after this I opened my own out-patient surgery in Zirc and made a contract with the Hungarian NHS.
Meanwhile, I was asked to organise Physiotherapy exercise groups for children with several health problems at the local Elementary School. These children are now adults and have left the school.
To maintain a high level of quality of service and keep up to date with new developments, I regularly attend post-graduate courses and congresses.
Although I am fairly busy with work I try to take part in social tasks such as being a member and delegate of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. My company regularly makes donations to civilian organisations also.